Lizards are fascinating creatures that have been around for millions of years. They are known for their unique characteristics, such as their ability to regenerate limbs and their diverse range of colors and patterns. However, one question that often arises is how long can lizards survive without food?

In general, lizards are able to survive for extended periods of time without food. The length of time they can go without eating largely depends on the species of lizard, as well as the age, size, and health of the individual. Some species of lizards are able to go for months without food, while others may only be able to survive for a few weeks.

Despite their ability to survive without food, it is important to note that lizards still require water to survive. Without access to water, even the heartiest of lizards will not be able to survive for long periods of time. Additionally, it is important to note that while lizards may be able to survive without food for extended periods of time, this is not a healthy or sustainable way for them to live.

Understanding Lizard Biology

Metabolic Rate

Lizards are cold-blooded animals that rely on their environment to maintain their body temperature. This means that their metabolic rate is directly affected by the temperature of their surroundings. When the temperature drops, their metabolic rate slows down, and they become less active.

In addition to temperature, the metabolic rate of lizards is also influenced by their size, species, and activity level. Smaller lizards tend to have a higher metabolic rate than larger lizards, and more active species require more food to maintain their energy levels.

Adaptation Mechanisms

Lizards have evolved several adaptation mechanisms that allow them to survive for extended periods without food. One such mechanism is brumation, which is similar to hibernation in mammals. During brumation, lizards slow down their metabolic rate and enter a state of dormancy to conserve energy.

Another adaptation mechanism is the ability to store fat in their tails. Some species of lizards can store enough fat in their tails to survive for several months without food. Additionally, lizards have the ability to slow down their digestive system and absorb nutrients more efficiently from their food, allowing them to extract the maximum amount of energy from a single meal.

Overall, understanding the biology of lizards is essential in determining how long they can survive without food. Their metabolic rate and adaptation mechanisms play a significant role in their ability to withstand periods of food scarcity.

Factors Influencing Food Requirement

Species Variation

The food requirement of lizards depends on their species. Some species can survive for months without food, while others can die within a few days. For example, the Gila monster can survive for up to a year without food, while the chameleon requires a daily supply of food. The size of the lizard also plays a role in determining its food requirement. Larger lizards generally require more food than smaller ones.

Environmental Conditions

Environmental conditions also play a significant role in determining the food requirement of lizards. Lizards living in colder environments require less food than those living in warmer environments. This is because lizards living in warmer environments have higher metabolic rates, which means they require more food to maintain their body temperature.

Lizard’s Age and Size

The age and size of the lizard also influence its food requirement. Younger lizards require more food than older ones because they are still growing and developing. Similarly, larger lizards require more food than smaller ones because they have a larger body mass to maintain.

In summary, the food requirement of lizards depends on various factors, including their species, environmental conditions, age, and size. Lizard owners should be aware of these factors to ensure that their pets receive the appropriate amount of food to stay healthy.

Effects of Starvation on Lizards

Physical Effects

Lizards are ectothermic animals, which means that their body temperature is regulated by the environment. When a lizard is deprived of food, its metabolic rate slows down, and its body temperature drops. This reduction in metabolic rate leads to a decrease in energy consumption, and the lizard’s body begins to use its stored fat reserves for energy. As the fat reserves are depleted, the lizard’s body begins to break down muscle tissue to provide energy. This results in a reduction in body mass and a weakening of the lizard’s muscles.

In addition to muscle wasting, starvation can also lead to dehydration and a loss of electrolytes. Lizards that are deprived of food for extended periods may also suffer from organ failure, which can lead to death.

Behavioral Changes

As lizards become weaker due to starvation, they become less active and may spend more time hiding. In some cases, lizards may become more aggressive or defensive as a result of their weakened state. This is because they are more vulnerable to predators and need to protect themselves.

Lizards that are starving may also exhibit changes in their feeding behavior. They may become more opportunistic and eat a wider variety of foods, including items that they would not normally consume. This is because they are desperate for nutrients and will try to obtain them from any available source.

Overall, the effects of starvation on lizards can be severe and can lead to significant health problems. It is important to provide adequate nutrition to pet lizards to ensure that they remain healthy and strong.

Case Studies of Lizard Survival Without Food

Lizards are known for their ability to survive in harsh environments, including those with limited access to food. While it’s not recommended to deprive a lizard of food for extended periods, there have been cases where lizards have survived for weeks or even months without food.

One study published in the Journal of Herpetology documented the survival of a group of Lacerta viridis lizards that were deprived of food for 60 days. The lizards lost a significant amount of weight during this time, but were able to maintain their basic metabolic functions and survive without food.

Another case study involved a group of bearded dragons that were accidentally left without food for six weeks. Despite losing a significant amount of weight, the lizards were able to recover and return to normal feeding habits once food was reintroduced.

While these cases demonstrate the remarkable survival abilities of lizards, it’s important to note that prolonged periods without food can have negative effects on a lizard’s health and well-being. It’s always best to provide a balanced diet and regular access to food for optimal health.


In conclusion, lizards are capable of surviving extended periods without food. The length of time a lizard can survive without food varies depending on the species, age, and health of the individual.

Some species of lizards, such as the Gila monster, can survive for months without food. Other species, such as the chameleon, may only be able to survive for a few weeks without food. It is important to note that while lizards can survive without food for extended periods, it is not recommended to intentionally deprive them of food for long periods of time.

Lizards that are deprived of food for extended periods may experience negative health effects, such as weight loss, weakened immune systems, and decreased organ function. It is important to provide lizards with a balanced diet that meets their nutritional needs to ensure they remain healthy.

Overall, while lizards are capable of surviving extended periods without food, it is important to provide them with a balanced diet to ensure they remain healthy and thrive.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long can a lizard live without eating?

Lizards can survive for a considerable amount of time without food, depending on the species, age, and overall health of the animal. Some lizards can survive for weeks or even months without eating, while others may only last a few days. However, it is important to note that prolonged starvation can have serious health consequences for lizards, including organ failure and death.

How long can a lizard survive without food?

Lizards can survive without food for a longer period than without water. The exact time a lizard can survive without food depends on various factors such as species, age, and overall health. Generally, most lizards can survive for a few weeks without food, but prolonged starvation can lead to severe health problems and even death.

How long can a leopard gecko live without food?

Leopard geckos are a popular pet lizard and can survive for a long time without food. They can go for up to two weeks without food, but it is not recommended to leave them without food for this long. Prolonged starvation can lead to serious health problems, and it is essential to ensure that they have access to food regularly.

How long can a lizard live without its tail?

Lizards are known for their ability to detach their tails when threatened, and the tail will regrow over time. While losing their tail is not life-threatening, it can be stressful for the lizard. They may not eat for a few days after losing their tail, but they should resume eating within a week. As long as the lizard is healthy, they can survive without their tail.

How long can lizards go without heat?

Lizards are cold-blooded animals and rely on external heat sources to regulate their body temperature. The amount of time a lizard can go without heat depends on the species, age, and overall health of the animal. Generally, lizards can survive for a few days without heat, but prolonged exposure to cold temperatures can lead to serious health problems and even death.

How long can a lizard live in a house?

Lizards can live in a house for a long time if they have access to food, water, and a suitable environment. Some species of lizards can live for several years in captivity if they are well taken care of. However, it is essential to provide them with a proper habitat, including heat lamps, UVB lighting, and suitable substrate.